Kids, these days, have become ‘screenagers’. iPods, PSPs and computers have become their best friends. How can their texts books interest them when a far more entertaining source, the computer or television screen, is awaiting them?
This shift that has taken place in the preference of children has given impetus to innovation in education. The role of technology in education is now coming to the forefront. Educators are looking out for newer learning methods to be introduced. Given the monotony of the age-old textbooks, graphic books with interactive content are gaining popularity. Involving content, fresh presentation of knowledge and brilliant self-assessment would be the key elements of the next generation textbooks.
The current trend in education is doing away with monotonous lectures and instead gripping the attention of the children with edutainment. Edutainment is a term coined by the new-school educators who believe that retention of knowledge is possible only if the kids like what they learn. The only means of ensuring this is by revolutionizing the technique of teaching. To put it simply, children will like what they learn only if they enjoy how they learn.
A teacher lecturing dryly for an entire class or a dull textbook is sure to take all the fun away from learning. Instead, if one were to work around the interests of the kids and develop an innovative learning pattern, we could be looking at a whole new world of education. If films are what they like, help your kids learn through movies. If your kid is an online gaming fan, look for learning-based games.
Kids, today, are smarter than we can ever imagine them to be. All that is needed is to tap the right source to educate and teach them. We need to play the game as per their rules. For all you know, you may end up learning a thing or two in the process.
Amazon Top 50 - February 14, 2025
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